Expansion of Civil Citation Programs Statewide Would Save Money and Improve Public Safety

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Diverting juvenile offenders from the traditional juvenile justice model is paying big dividends in public safety and savings. This report shows how some counties are going about this and why others should create their own civil citation programs.

A Billion Dollars and Growing: Why Prison Bonding is Tougher on Florida's Taxpayers Than on Crime

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Florida's prison population is growing while public safety is diminishing. This report outlines the reasons for this discrepancy and shows how other states are dealing with similar issues.

Florida Taxpayer Independence Day 2011

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"This symbolic date assumes that every dollar earned since January 1 goes to pay federal, state, and local tax obligations. "

Florida Taxpayers Spend Millions Annually on Communications and Legislative Affairs Staff in State Agencies

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This report delves into the salary structure and varied job titles of communications workers and legislative affairs employees.

Summary of the Florida TaxWatch April 2011 Briefing: Benefits of the Sunshine State's Investment in the Solar Renewable Energy Sector

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Florida's window of opportunity to become a leader in solar and renewable energy manufacturing is rapidly closing. This briefing details the status quo and what needs to be done to make the state competitive with those states that have done more in the clean energy field.

Benefits of the Sunshine State's Investment in the Solar Renewable Energy Sector

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"Putting the 'sun' in Sunshine State, this report examines steps already taken in solar energy and what impact further steps would have on the Florida economic outlook. "

State Competitiveness Indices & Rankings: What National Rankings Tell Us about Florida's Competitiveness

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"From corporate tax to personal income tax to property tax, this report shows how Florida compares to southeastern states as well as the nation. "

Mitigating Unemployment Comp Tax Increases Facing Employers Using Cost Saving Recommendations to Help Pay Federal Loan Obligations and Enacting Reforms Can Help

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The high cost of unemployment hit the state coffers hard. This report shows what happens when the state paid out more in unemployment benefits than it collected in the trust fund used to provide benefits to jobless Floridians.

The Governor's Budget Recommendations for FY 2011-12 First Proposed Budget a Bold Plan for Spending Cuts- Tax Relief

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"Just weeks after being sworn in as governor, Rick Scott released his first budget which called for several billion dollars in spending cuts and the layoff of thousands of state workers. "

Florida Remains a Donor State Even Through The Great Recession

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Florida receives less money in federal grants to state and local governments than nearly every other state. This report examines the reasons why the Florida pays more than it gets back.

Briefing: Corrections 2.0: A Proposal to Create a Continuum of Care in Corrections through Public-Private Partnerships

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"Many current correctional systems operate under policy decisions made decades ago, a leading factor in persistently high recidivism rates. This report shows how private sector involvement could be the key to improved inmate outcomes. "

Report and Recommendations of the Government Cost Savings Task Force for FY2011-12

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The Task Force provides a compilation of 125 extensively researched recommendations aimed at achieving major cost-savings and cost containment in many areas of state government.

Fiscal Responsibility:The Key to a Safer- Smarter- and Stronger Juvenile Justice System

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Florida's incarceration of children is excessively high and is actually making citizens more vulnerable. This report offers some proven paths toward improving the system.

Governor's Transition Decision Handbook

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A virtual handbook for 'How-to-be-a-Governor' this publication details key issues facing the state's chief executive and includes advice from former governors as well as their key aides.

Analysis of the Impact on Retail Sales in NW Florida from the Gulf Oil Spill

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The timing of the oil spill could not have been worse for NW Florida retailers and this analysis shows how those retail losses cascaded through other economic sectors in the region.

Presentation: the Florida Statewide Survey on Renewable Energy

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"As fossil fuels dwindle, attention turns to renewable energy sources. As this report shows, some of those clean energy sources are more popular than others. "

Florida Statewide Survey on Renewable Energy

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"As fossil fuels dwindle, attention turns to renewable energy sources. As this report shows, some of those clean energy sources are more popular than others. "

What if Government Ran Like a Business? The 2007 Solution

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"This report, written independently of Florida TaxWatch, makes the case for policy that will rein in spending while promoting economic growth and incentivizing job creation in the private sector. "

Land Use Planning by Referendum: The Economic Consequences of Amendment 4

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Jobs and tax revenues would be affected by the passage of amendment 4. Numerous other unintended consequences are analyzed in this report.

In Addition to Devastating Impacts on the Economy and Jobs- Amendment 4 Will Increase Costs to Taxpayers through Added Elections and Increased Litigation Against Local Governments

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Amendment 4 would require that voters approve changes to their local comprehensive land use plans. Some consider this a dangerous case of 'hyper-democracy.'

Amendments 5 & 6 Deserve Voter Scrutiny

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"This report, written independently of Florida TaxWatch, details the salient points of each of these amendments before making recommendations. "

Florida's Next Governor's Views on Education: A Side-by-Side Comparison of Gubernatorial Candidates Rick Scott and Alex Sink

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Each candidate elaborates on their educational philosophy on issues ranging from accountability to curriculum to merit pay for teachers.

Voter Guide to the Proposed Constitutional Amendments on the November 2- 2010 Ballot

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"This report analyzes three of the six proposed amendments to the Florida Constitution. Those amendments focus on ad valorem tax credit for deployed military personnel, comprehensive land use plans, and revision of class size requirements for public schools. "


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