Report and Recommendations of the Government Cost Savings Task Force for FY2011-12 Tuesday, November 30, 2010 / Categories: Research, Cost Savings The Task Force provides a compilation of 125 extensively researched recommendations aimed at achieving major cost-savings and cost containment in many areas of state government. Read more
Fiscal Responsibility:The Key to a Safer- Smarter- and Stronger Juvenile Justice System Tuesday, November 30, 2010 / Categories: Research, Corrections/Judicial Florida's incarceration of children is excessively high and is actually making citizens more vulnerable. This report offers some proven paths toward improving the system. Read more
Governor's Transition Decision Handbook Tuesday, November 30, 2010 / Categories: Research A virtual handbook for 'How-to-be-a-Governor' this publication details key issues facing the state's chief executive and includes advice from former governors as well as their key aides. Read more
Analysis of the Impact on Retail Sales in NW Florida from the Gulf Oil Spill Tuesday, November 30, 2010 / Categories: Research, Economic Development The timing of the oil spill could not have been worse for NW Florida retailers and this analysis shows how those retail losses cascaded through other economic sectors in the region. Read more