Florida TaxWatch Census Primer: Agriculture

/ Categories: Census, Census Institute

"Florida TaxWatch Census Primer: Agriculture" discusses the impact of census undercounts on Florida's agriculture sector. It highlights the consequences of the 2020 census, where Florida missed counting 750,000 residents, leading to significant losses in federal funding and representation. The primer emphasizes the importance of accurate census counts for securing federal funding and making informed decisions in agriculture and rural development. It concludes by urging stakeholders to actively prepare for the 2030 Census to maximize accuracy and benefits for Florida's agricultural community.

The 2030 Census Needs Your Attention

A Legislative Primer for the 2030 Census

/ Categories: Census

Why you should care about the impact of the undercount in the 2020 Census in Florida and outlines strategies to improve census participation for 2030. This primer highlights that Florida missed approximately 750,000 residents in the 2020 count, which could lead to a significant loss in federal funding and possibly an additional congressional seat. The document emphasizes the importance of census data in resource allocation, emergency planning, and business decisions. It suggests actions for legislators, constituents, and businesses, such as funding Complete Count Committees, promoting awareness, and integrating census information into community and business activities.

The Impact of Unlicensed Vacation Rentals on Florida's Economy

/ Categories: Research, Housing Affordability, Tourism

"Unlicensed Vacation Rentals: An Analysis of Florida's Tourism-Driven Economy" provides an in-depth analysis of the unlicensed vacation rental market in Florida. It highlights the significant impact these rentals have on the state's tourism economy, including issues of tax evasion, safety concerns, and unfair competitive advantages over licensed properties. The research reveals a notable prevalence of unlicensed rentals in Florida, which, in 2022, constituted a significant proportion of the state’s temporary public lodging units. The study brings to light how operators of these unlicensed rentals often circumvent tax obligations, thus negatively impacting the state's revenue and creating an unlevel playing field in the tourism sector. This paper includes recommendations for stricter enforcement of licensing regulations, improved transparency in rental operations, and more efficient tax collection mechanisms to address these challenges. The paper serves as a critical resource for policymakers, business owners in the tourism sector, and tax authorities, providing essential insights to inform decisions and strategies aimed at ensuring a fair and regulated tourism industry in Florida.

It's Time to Reform Florida's Information Technology Procurement and Oversight

/ Categories: Research, Technology, Releases

This report highlights the chronic issues plaguing Florida's large-scale IT projects, such as inadequate planning, contracting, and management. These issues have led to the repeated formation and dissolution of a state agency overseeing these projects, with the most recent being the Florida Digital Service (FL[DS]) established in 2020. The paper provides a series of recommendations to prevent the failure of FL[DS]. These include forming a joint House and Senate IT committee for oversight, adopting a new governance model, standardizing statewide agency business processes, and revising Florida Statutes for better IT project procurement and vendor evaluation. Furthermore, the paper suggests methods to attract and retain IT talent, like offering signing bonuses, revising job descriptions to focus on skills, and creating a talent pipeline from the State University System. The report emphasizes the necessity for effective project management and strategic decisions to ensure the success of Florida's IT projects and to safeguard taxpayer investments​​.

Addressing Florida's Escalating Physician Shortage: Strategies and Solutions

This paper addresses the growing issue of physician shortages in Florida. This shortage is primarily driven by an increasing and aging population, coupled with a high rate of physician retirements. The report evaluates the gap between healthcare demand and the supply of physicians, emphasizing the need for more medical students and improved healthcare policies. It discusses strategies like expanding Graduate Medical Education, utilizing telehealth, and leveraging Advanced Practice Registered Nurses to mitigate this shortage. The paper also considers legal and business aspects of practicing medicine in Florida, suggesting improvements to attract and retain healthcare professionals.

