Economic Commentary-The Effect of the Midwest Drought on Florida

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With counties in 32 states placed on the USDA's list of primary disaster areas because of drought conditions, this month's Economic Commentary looks at the effects of the drought on food, and potentially fuel, prices. Corn is currently at the highest per-ton cost in history, which will lead to increases in commodities like milk, meat, and eggs for us all.

Economic Commentary- Florida's Business Cycle Revisited

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This Economic Commentary is an extension of the June 2011 Economic Commentary, which discussed how Florida's business cycle is different from other states, and the U.S. business cycle. The most recent updated index figures indicate that "Florida has experienced positive growth in the index for each month since January 2010."

Accountability is Essential

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Florida must continue to embrace and refine its system of accountability in public education in order to maintain the significant gains that have been made for all students, according to “Accountability is Essential,â€ù a new Briefing from the Florida TaxWatch Center for Educational Performance & Accountability (CEPA).

Economic Commentary- Foreign Buyers of Florida Homes

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While we typically think of Florida as a top destination for U.S. citizens looking to buy homes, Florida the top state in the U.S. for attracting foreign homebuyers. This month's Economic Commentary looks at the impact of foreign buyers on Florida's home sales and spotlights our biggest international real estate investors, Canada.

Fiscal and Economic Impact of Amendment 4

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A proposed Constitutional Amendment on the November 2012 ballot would create Florida jobs, grow Florida's Gross Domestic Product, and increase the personal income of Floridians, according to this new analysis from the TaxWatch Center for Competitive Florida

Economic Commentary- Greece, the Euro Zone, and Florida

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Recent financial volatility in Europe, combined with a potential European banking crisis, may cause more than one country to leave the Euro. May's Economic Commentary examines the factors that may destabilize the Euro, and the resulting effect on Florida.

Florida's Top Ten Largest Public Employers by County

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The Briefing surveys the significance of public-sector employment in Florida counties by examining the ten largest employers per county, and finds that public employers are the top employer (by number of employees) in 51 of the 67 counties in Florida, and one of the top five employers in every single county in the state.

Florida Missing Opportunities to Take Advantage of Federal Programs for Energy-Saving Measures

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According to this report, Florida has the potential to collect millions of dollars for energy efficiency enhancement projects already completed, or planned.

Government Cost Savings-Legislative Update 2012

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Updated to include Governor Scott's vetos, this piece details the progress made this legislative session on the GCSTF Recommendations for FY 2012-13

2012 Taxpayer Independence Day

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Friday, April 20, is Florida Taxpayer Independence Day 2012, as estimated by Florida TaxWatch. On that day, Floridians are finally earning money for themselves –not for the tax collector. This symbolic date assumes that every dollar earned since January 1 goes to pay federal, state, and local tax obligations.

Economic Commentary- The Effect of High Gas Prices on the Florida Economy

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April's Economic Commentary focuses on the tangible effect of the price of gasoline on the average Florida consumer, and shows an impact on disposable income, travel, and even incoming tourists. Gas prices are still not as high as their peak in July 2008, but are on the rise again going into the summer driving season. How will this effect Florida's economic recovery?

Ideas in Action: Deriving and Using Vital Signs for Assuring Florida Organizational Viability by Roger Kaufman Ph. D.

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Dr. Roger Kaufman opinion piece on how companies should measure their long-term viability.

Economic Commentary- When Will Economic Growth Accelerate?

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This Economic Commentary focuses on the importance of capital investment for economic recovery, the impact of volatility on that investment, and the effect of investment on productivity. The piece concludes that the decrease in volatility in the US markets should lead to increases in investment, and faster growth.

How Charter School Funding Compares

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"This Research Report looks at the disparities in funding levels between charter and traditional public schools, and offers suggestions on how to let the money follow the student."

Proper Collection of Remote/Internet Sales Tax

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"Continuing ten years of research on this issue, this short piece was produced to call attention to the ""remote sales tax"" or ""e-fairness"" issue which will likely come before the Legislature again in 2013."

Economic Commentary: Unemployment & the Florida Workforce

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"February's Economic Commentary focuses on unemployment in Florida as compared to the nation as a whole, and within specific demographic groups and their educational levels inside our state in 2011 vs. 2010. The Commentary also discusses possible solutions to the current situation, and trends to keep an eye on."

Smart Justice Poll Results

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"A joint project between TaxWatch and Associated Industries of Florida, the poll shows overwhelming support from more than 600 Republican likely voters for Smart Justice reforms. "

Economic Commentary: Florida's 2011 Job Growth

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"January's Economic Commentary focuses on job growth in Florida in the last year. Our state created the 3rd-most jobs of any state, following only California and Texas in the number of jobs created."

Report of the Commission on Review of Taxpayer Funded Hospital Districts

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The final report of the Commission on Review of Taxpayer Funded Hospital Districts, which was chaired by TaxWatch President & CEO Dominic M. Calabro.

Economic Commentary: Florida's Economic Year in Review

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"December's Economic commentary compares 2011 to 2010 using data that drives the Florida economy, primarily employment and unemployment figures. The commentary also examines the health of factors expected to play a key role in the state's economy. "

Reducing the Concentration of Risk in Florida's Property Insurance System

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Just one major hurricane could plunge Florida into a financial crisis as the current insurance system lacks the actuarial soundness to withstand the massive number of resultant claims. Several proposed solutions are examined.

Economic Commentary: Angel and Venture Capital in Florida

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"The funding options available for Florida's budding entrepreneurs are analyzed in this Economic Commentary. Angel and Venture Capital is available, but takes many forms, and obtaining it can be a tortuous journey. "

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