Teaching Every Child to Swim Saves Thousands of Lives from Needless Drownings and Taxpayers Millions

Drowning remains a leading cause of death for children in the United States, with Florida consistently ranking among the highest for child drowning fatalities. The Florida TaxWatch report highlights the importance of teaching children water safety skills, citing that learning to swim can reduce drowning risks by 88%. Despite legislative progress in recent years, unintentional drowning continues to pose a significant threat, especially for children aged 1-4.

The report emphasizes the impact of past legislative measures such as the Swimming Lesson Voucher Program and underscores the importance of further water safety initiatives. Recommendations include introducing additional legislative efforts, such as requiring hospitals to show new parents a video on drowning prevention and increasing safety measures for children with autism, who are at significantly higher risk of drowning.

Florida TaxWatch continues to advocate for statewide water safety policies to prevent needless tragedies and reduce the economic impact of childhood drownings. Teaching every child to swim can save thousands of lives and millions in taxpayer costs.

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