"This symbolic date (April 19) assumes that every dollar earned since January 1 goes to pay federal, state, and local tax obligations. "
"Florida's 'bricks and mortar' businesses are at a competitive disadvantage with internet marketers due to the fact they, unlike their online competitors, must charge sales tax. This report considers ways of making up that difference with minimal impact to the taxpayer. "
This itemized list covers a wide spectrum ranging from bottled water to Super Bowl football tickets to flags.
"This PowerPoint presentation analyzing sales tax exemptions was presented to the Florida Senate Committee on Finance and Tax on March 12, 2009. "
"An estimated 218,300 jobs would be created in Florida under the economic stimulus package. This Special Report shows the areas most likely to benefit. "
The economic slump may present an opportunity for revitalization through tinkering with the Single Sales Factor (SSF) apportionment formula. This briefing examines what other states are doing this and presents some options for Florida.
"Every $100,000 worth of online shopping from other states and countries costs one Floridian to lose his/her full-time job. This Special Report provides the context behind the statistics."
"While saying he's not recommending any tax increases, Governor Charlie Crist is proposing $558 million in new fees. This report details key allocations contained in the budget. "