Florida Tax Credit Scholarship: Let the evidence speak for the scholarship for low-income students

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"This report, written independently of Florida TaxWatch, defines this scholarship, enumerates its benefits, and explains how it relates to both high-poverty and low-poverty schools."

Governor Crist Releases Optimistic $69.2 Billion Spending Plan

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"Despite talk of a looming budget shortfall, the final budget of Charlie Crist's tenure as governor called for a $2.7 billion increase in spending. "

Recommendations for Boosting Investment- Economic Growth- and Job Creation in Florida

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The recession is being felt more acutely in Florida than in the nation as a whole. This briefing traces its causes and shows how structural changes in the state's economy are influencing economic development as well as jobs.

Higher Education Transformation: Must We Have a Crisis as a Catalyst

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"This report, written independently of Florida TaxWatch, provides case studies of how selected universities responded innovatively to a recession-induced fiscal crisis. "

International Trade: A New Pillar of Florida's Economy?

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New forces that are reshaping the world economy?the presumed decline of the dollar and an emerging Brazil?could have a major influence on Florida's economic future.

Improving Accountability and Transparency in Escambia County Government Phase II

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This Special Report details how Escambia County is seeking creative solutions to dealing with the recession.

State Competitiveness Indexes and Rankings: What They Tell Us about Florida's Competitiveness and Future

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There is no shortage of rankings by which to measure Florida against other states. This economic commentary examines several of them and shows how the Sunshine state measures up to the competition.

The 2009 Florida TaxWatch Turkey Watch Report

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"A relatively small number of projects known as 'turkeys' found their way into the state budget, this year, possibly because of a severe shortfall of available funds. "

Florida Taxpayer Independence Day 2009! Independence Comes Four Days Earlier Than Last Year

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"This symbolic date (April 19) assumes that every dollar earned since January 1 goes to pay federal, state, and local tax obligations. "

How to Make Streamlined Sales Tax Legislation Revenue Neutral

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"Florida's 'bricks and mortar' businesses are at a competitive disadvantage with internet marketers due to the fact they, unlike their online competitors, must charge sales tax. This report considers ways of making up that difference with minimal impact to the taxpayer. "

Establishing a Retirement Visa Would Help Revive Florida's Vital Real Estate Industry

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"Given the slumping real estate market, this special report proposes the creation of a retirement visa, which would allow foreign retirees to spend their later years in the U.S., allowing them to invest in real estate, while keeping them out of the labor pool. "

Florida Must Be Careful Not to Regulate or Tax the Hospitality Industry Out of Existence

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"With the premise that Florida's hospitality industry is in danger of being taxed to unprofitability, this report, written independently of Florida TaxWatch, stresses the need for caution before considering further regulation of this vital business. "

What Florida Can Do to Spur Economic Growth: Modernizing Tax and Regulatory Policy in Telecommunications

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"This report, written independently of Florida TaxWatch, shows that while Florida's communications industry has already invested a great deal of capital in the state, there is much more to be done in the interest of long-term economic growth. "

The Positive Economic Impact of Solar Energy on the Sunshine State

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"Putting the 'sun' in the Sunshine state, this briefing enumerates the benefits of expanding solar energy production in Florida. Delaying solar projects would put Florida at a competitive disadvantage with other states. "

Single Sales Factor Presentation before the Senate Select Committee on Florida's Economy

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This PowerPoint presentation makes the case for altering Florida's corporate income tax as a means of promoting capital formation and enhancing employment opportunities.

Analysis of the Collection and Allocation of Court-Related Revenues within Florida's Judicial System

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"This Special Report examines the court system's cost efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, accountability, and related issues. Among the findings: cost efficiency standards could result in cost savings of between $34 million and $140 million. "

The Economic Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan on the Florida Economy: A Preliminary Analysis

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Fractional owners purchase an interest in an aircraft rather than purchasing or leasing the entire aircraft. This Special Report considers whether revisions are necessary in the tax policy covering such aircraft.

Reviewing Sales Tax Exemptions

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"This PowerPoint presentation analyzing sales tax exemptions was presented to the Florida Senate Committee on Finance and Tax on March 12, 2009. "

The Economic Impacts of Restructuring Florida's Sales and Use Taxes on Fractional Aircraft Ownership

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"An estimated 218,300 jobs would be created in Florida under the economic stimulus package. This Special Report shows the areas most likely to benefit. "

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