Ensuring that Florida's university-bound high school graduates are STEM programs-ready

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"Written independently of Florida TaxWatch, this report explains why high schools must put a premium on teaching science, technology, engineering and mathematics"

Next Year's Budget Outlook Begins to Take Shape through a Series of Estimating Conferences

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"Facing an estimated $5 billion to $6 billion shortfall, lawmakers faced some tough decisions. This report examines sources of general revenue and their impact. "

Estimating Conferences Project More Money for the 2011 Legislature

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"Sales taxes, corporate income taxes, and medical and hospital fees are scrutinized for the revenue each is likely to provide to lawmakers."

Economic and Caseload Estimating Conferences Provide More Information for Next Year's Budget Shortfall Forecast

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"Budget drivers such as Medicaid, school enrollment and voluntary pre-K are examined in this report which explores the budget shortfall facing the 2011 legislature. "

Amendment 8 is the Right Investment for Florida: Evidence Shows Modifying the Class Size Reduction Amendment Will Save Billions for Florida Taxpayers

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Implementing the class Size reduction amendment has proven to be very expensive. This report details how it could get more expensive and explains measures that could lower the cost.

Florida TaxWatch Presentation: Preliminary Findings on the Economic Impact of Solar Energy in Florida

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"Florida currently ranks 11th nationally for solar market attractiveness. This report outlines employment opportunities in the field, federal incentives for solar investment, and looks to projected future growth."

The 2010 Florida TaxWatch Turkey Watch Report

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"A large number of projects known as 'turkeys' found their way into the state budget, despite a looming budget shortfall considered the biggest ever. "

The People First Contract Reassignment Florida should renegotiate to enhance taxpayer value before consenting to assignment

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This report explains how and why competitive bidding for contracts is imperative in order to achieve the best value for Florida taxpayers on state purchases of goods and services.

Florida Taxpayer Independence Day 2010! Independence Comes Five Days Later Than Last Year

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"This symbolic date (April 16) assumes that every dollar earned since January 1 goes to pay federal, state, and local tax obligations. "

Florida Taxation and Budgeting Workshop (presentation by Director of Tax Research Kurt Wenner)

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PowerPoint explores local and state tax structures and details spending and budget figures.

Federal Debt and Florida's Future

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"With the premise that congress is 'spending without thought of tomorrow' this report, written independently of Florida TaxWatch, makes the case for a constitutional amendment mandating a balanced federal budget. "

How Independent Are Florida Inspectors General?

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"Written independently of Florida TaxWatch, this report explores whether an Inspector General can be objective if he or she is subject to removal at the pleasure of the agency head. "

Florida's Financial Exposure from Its Self-Insurance Programs: The Citizens Property Insurance Corporation and the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund

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Florida faces a property insurance crisis and this report details the current situation as well as recommendations for improving the solvency of the system

2010 Legislative Briefing: Education Personnel Reforms

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The Florida TaxWatch Center for Educational Performance and Accountability (CEPA) stresses the need for reform in education through the legislative process.

Strengthening the Role of the Office of the Inspector General Will Improve State Operations by Reducing the Cost of Services

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This briefing outlines how expansion of the duties of Inspector General will help ensure that the state's internal audit capability will identify ways of improving overall cost-effectiveness.

Report and Recommendations of the Florida TaxWatch Government Cost Savings Task Force to Save More Than $3 Billion

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The Task Force provides a compilation of 88 extensively researched recommendations that could help the state save more than $3 billion in the first year and beyond.

When Good Policies Go Bad: Unintended Economic Consequences of Assessment Cap

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"With the premise that the best-intentioned policies can be harmful, this report, written independently of Florida TaxWatch, delves into both the benefits and negative aspects of assessment limitations. "

Modernizing Process of Estimating Fiscal Impact of Legislation Benefits Florida

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"Newer generations of analytical and empirical methods for assessing economic and fiscal impacts are being developed, tested and refined. "

Borrowing Short-Term Federal Money to Pay Unemployment Benefits Will Help Boost Florida's Economy and Generate Jobs

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"Due to the record level of unemployment, the state Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund has been paying out more for unemployment benefits than what it has been collecting from employers. This Special Report shows how funding the unemployment benefits with additional federal loans could alleviate the situation. "

The Economic Impact of Legal Aid Services in the State of Florida

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Civil legal aid programs in Florida provide a broad array of legal services to Floridians who cannot afford to pay for legal representation. This report calculates the economic impact that the provision of civil legal services has on the Florida economy. In addition to calculating the effect of the existing program in 2008, TaxWatch also estimates the effect of expanding the program to include the cases that were turned away for lack of resources.

Recap of Five Good Things About Florida's Economy Forum

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A rebounding housing market and renewed entrepreneurial spirit are some of the positive aspects in an otherwise bleak Florida economy.

Preparing Florida's Students to Close the Talent Gap for an Innovation Economy

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"This report, written independently of Florida TaxWatch, explains how the Florida must make dramatic improvements in math and science education if it is to establish a solid foundation of innovation. "

It's Not About the Amount of Money in the Budget. It Is About the Measurable Value Added to Florida and Floridians

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"Written independently of Florida TaxWatch, this report goes beyond the decimal points to explain other means of evaluating the efficacy of budget items. "

Five or Even Six Good Things About Florida's Economy (Presentation)

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"From higher manufacturing profits to improving business inventories, this PowerPoint presentation shows some areas doing well in an otherwise down economy. "

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