Statement by Florida TaxWatch President and CEO Dominic M. Calabro on the Passage of SB 7014: COVID-19-Related Claims Against Health Care Providers
Tallahassee, Fla. – The following statement is to be attributed to Dominic M. Calabro, President and CEO of Florida TaxWatch on the passage of SB 7014: COVID-19-Related Claims Against Health Care Providers.
“Nearly two years in, our health care providers remain firmly entrenched on the front lines of the pandemic, and today the Florida Legislature took the important step of reinforcing their work with additional protections. The passage of SB 7014 shows the Florida Legislature’s continued commitment to keeping this vital sector protected from the unknown future of COVID-19. Thank you to the House and Senate for continuing to protect our healthcare industry, and we look forward to the Governor signing the bill.
“Florida TaxWatch released a report last year detailing the importance of a liability shield for responsible businesses, and today’s extension of that shield for health care providers is a crucial one. The potential still exists for runaway litigation that would have a devastating impact on Floridians across the board, but especially our health care providers. Safeguards are essential to ensure that healthcare providers that are working hard to comply with public health directives or protective measures are protected from civil liability.”