Florida TaxWatch Releases Quarterly Report for Broward SMART Program
Tallahassee, Fla. – Today, Florida TaxWatch released its review of the Broward County School District's Safety, Music & Art, Athletics, Renovations and Technology (SMART) Program in its report Monitoring and Oversight of General Obligation Bonds to Improve Broward County Schools: SMART Program Quarterly Report Review for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2022.
Florida TaxWatch Senior Vice President of Research Bob Nave said, “District staff continue to work hard to implement the remaining primary renovations and school choice enhancement projects. Higher rates of inflation, higher roofing and mechanical/electrical/fire protection costs, and items that were excluded from the original scopes of work continue to increase the costs of SMART Program construction projects, though. Florida TaxWatch looks forward to our continued partnership with the Bond Oversight Committee and the school district to ensure the remainder of the SMART Program projects are implemented as quickly and appropriately as possible.”
To read the full report and access the rest of Florida TaxWatch’s work with the Broward County Bond Oversight Committee, please click here.
The quarterly Broward County Bond Oversight Committee meeting, where the report is typically presented by Florida TaxWatch’s Senior Vice President of Research Bob Nave, was scheduled for today, Mon., June 13, but it has been postponed. A new meeting date has not yet been announced, but it will be noticed online when it is rescheduled.