Social Determinants of Health: Health Care Access and Quality

/ Categories: Research, Economic Development, Health Care

This report examines the social determinants of health (SDOH), underscoring that environmental and social factors are the primary determinants of health outcomes. Significant barriers to healthcare access include high insurance costs and a large uninsured population, contributing to Florida's low national ranking in healthcare access. Challenges are particularly acute in rural and low-income areas, with a notable dependence on emergency services by uninsured individuals, imposing considerable economic strains.

To address these issues, the report suggests expanding Medicaid eligibility to enhance access and reduce costs, promoting telehealth to connect urban and rural communities, increasing autonomy for nurse practitioners and physician assistants to alleviate physician shortages, and implementing the "Live Healthy Agenda" to elevate healthcare quality and access throughout Florida. These recommendations aim to catalyze systemic changes for a healthier, economically stable state.

2024 Florida Legislative Session Wrap-Up

The 2024 Florida Legislative Session Wrap-Up offers a concise yet thorough review of the session's key outcomes. With a $117.5 billion budget, over $1 billion in tax relief, and nearly $10 billion in reserves, the Legislature addressed crucial issues in healthcare, education, insurance, and the environment. The report provides an insightful overview of the bills and budget items that passed, as well as notable legislation that failed to advance, making it an essential resource for understanding the current state of Florida policy and its implications for residents and taxpayers.

Addressing Florida's Escalating Physician Shortage: Strategies and Solutions

/ Categories: Research, Health Care, Releases

This paper addresses the growing issue of physician shortages in Florida. This shortage is primarily driven by an increasing and aging population, coupled with a high rate of physician retirements. The report evaluates the gap between healthcare demand and the supply of physicians, emphasizing the need for more medical students and improved healthcare policies. It discusses strategies like expanding Graduate Medical Education, utilizing telehealth, and leveraging Advanced Practice Registered Nurses to mitigate this shortage. The paper also considers legal and business aspects of practicing medicine in Florida, suggesting improvements to attract and retain healthcare professionals.


Florida Medicaid Redetermination

/ Categories: Research, Health Care

There are numerous federal programs administered by states that provide assistance to low-income and needy families. During periods of economic downturn, like the recent COVID-19 pandemic, more Florida families turn to these government programs for assistance. One such safety net program is Medicaid, the joint federal-state health insurance program that provides medical coverage to more than five million low-income, elderly, disabled Floridians and children. Signed into federal law in 1965, Medicaid was created to improve the health of those individuals who might otherwise go without medical care for themselves and their children.

Physician Shortages: Better Utilization of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses in Palliative Medicine Could Provide Relief - Revised

/ Categories: Research, Health Care

A fast-growing and aging U.S. population is posing concerns for physicians’ ability to meet patient demand in the future. Current and future population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau indicate a projected growth of 34.8 million people from 2019 to 2034. An estimated 66% of this growth is attributed to people aged 65 or older. As such, physician shortages are especially concerning in the hospice and palliative care sector. As the population ages, the need for a higher volume of care and more specialized expertise will grow.