Monitoring and Oversight of General Obligation Bonds to Improve Broward County Schools

Q1 (2023-2024)

/ Categories: Research, Broward BOC, Releases, BOC

The Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) Quarterly Report for Q1 2023-24, presented to the Bond Oversight Committee, marks the midpoint of the school year and Year 10 of the SMART Program. The report acknowledges Resolution 23-109 from May 9, 2023, which recognizes the efforts of the Bond Oversight Committee and Florida TaxWatch in overseeing the SMART Program and notes the Twentieth Statewide Grand Jury's identification of program deficiencies. The resolution sets an expectation for the SMART Program's completion by October 31, 2025, including financial close-out and full expenditure of General Obligation Bond funds. The report details various program aspects like safety improvements, technology upgrades, and budget activities, while addressing financial risks and the critical role of oversight committees.

Florida's Labor Resilience: Navigating the National Cool-Down and Local Market Dynamics

/ Categories: Research, Workforce Development

Amidst a national shift towards a cooler labor market with fewer job openings, the study explores the consequent effects on wage trends and inflationary pressures. The focus is on Florida's unique position and its adaptive response to these economic headwinds, highlighting the state's labor market resilience. As job openings decline and employee separations remain high, Florida's experience offers a case study in managing workforce challenges during economic cooldowns. This paper is a must-read for policymakers, economists, and business leaders interested in the interplay between labor markets and inflation, especially those focused on the Sunshine State's economic climate.

An Analysis of the Tax Treatment of Credit Unions: Value of Florida Credit Unions’ Exemption Is Now $259 Million

/ Categories: Research

Originally designed to serve specific community segments, credit unions have since expanded their reach and service offerings, making their tax exemptions increasingly valuable. From 1997's exemption value of $89.1 million, the exemption's worth has risen to $259 million in 2023. This report sheds light on the industry's transformations, recent trends like mergers and acquisitions, and reevaluates the rationale behind the tax exemptions. It aims to fuel informed discussions on credit union taxation and their exemption status.

Water Infrastructure Projects are Vital

Develop and Fund a 3-5 Year Strategic Work Program

/ Categories: Research

Water provides varied and vital benefits to Floridians, our businesses, and visitors. We literally could not live without it. Our water resources are a massive, interconnected system, one that is expensive to maintain. Federal, state, and local governments have been spending a lot of taxpayer money on upkeep and enhancements, but there is still much work to be done.

Septic-to-Sewer: Protecting Florida’s Ground and Surface Water

/ Categories: Research

From the early days on the edge of the Tigris and Euphrates River to now, water has long been a staple of civilization. As discussed in the Florida TaxWatch report “We Can’t Wait on Water” (January 2020), Florida relies upon high-quality water to maintain the well-being of public health, ecosystem services, recreation, property values, and economic activities, such as fishing, boating, sailing, and other water-based tourism. But Florida’s water quality is at risk.
