Florida Economic Forecast: Q2 2024

An Economic Commentary

/ Categories: Research, Economic Development

Florida's economy reached $1.58 trillion in 2023, but growth is expected to slow in the coming years. The report covers key projections, including slower population growth, a slight rise in unemployment, and continued tourism growth, with over 170 million visitors expected by 2029. Despite the slower pace, Florida’s economy remains robust, driven by tourism and real estate. Download the full report for a detailed analysis and outlook through 2029.

From Roads to Roots: A Review of Florida’s Highway Landscape Spending

/ Categories: Research, Transportation

Florida TaxWatch's latest report reviews FDOT's highway landscaping expenditures, which exceed $200 million annually. While the beautification projects provide key benefits like reducing erosion and enhancing safety, the report questions the lack of a spending cap. It explores potential legislative changes to optimize taxpayer investment. Download the full report for insights into these recommendations and the future of Florida’s highway landscaping policies.

Florida’s Water Supply: Could Florida Experience a Significant Water Supply Shortage by 2025?

A Florida TaxWatch Commentary

/ Categories: Research

This commentary highlights a looming water crisis in the Sunshine State. Despite its reputation for abundant water resources, Florida could face a significant water supply shortage as early as 2025, according to projections from the Florida Office of Economic and Demographic Research. The report estimates that $1.7 billion in investments for critical water projects is needed by 2040 to avoid a severe shortage. This challenge is exacerbated by Florida's rapid economic and population growth, with an expected 26.4 million residents by 2040. The commentary criticizes current water project funding processes as disjointed and inconsistent, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive statewide strategy. It also discusses recent legislative efforts and proposes solutions, including the implementation of a Five-Year Water Project Work Program.

Social Determinants of Health: Education Access and Quality

/ Categories: Research, Education

The Florida TaxWatch Institute on Quality Health and Aging presents its latest report on the connection between education and health outcomes. This study, part of a series on Social Determinants of Health, reveals how higher education levels correlate with better health, longer lifespans, and reduced healthcare costs. The report explores the economic impact of education on public health and state budgets, emphasizing the importance of early childhood education. It offers valuable insights for policymakers, healthcare professionals, and educators, aiming to guide policies that improve health outcomes and economic prosperity for all Floridians. Download the full report to learn how investing in education can significantly impact Florida's public health and economic future.

An Independent Assessment of the Economic Impacts of Indian River State College

/ Categories: Research, Economic Development

The Florida TaxWatch report reveals the substantial economic and educational contributions of Indian River State College (IRSC) to Florida's Treasure Coast and the broader state economy. IRSC, recognized for its affordability and high-quality programs, plays a pivotal role in workforce development through its extensive certificate and degree offerings. The report emphasizes the college's efforts in minimizing student debt and enhancing job readiness through strategic partnerships with businesses and local schools. Economically, IRSC creates over 15,000 jobs annually and generates a significant economic output, with every dollar spent translating into a substantial return for the Florida economy. This analysis serves as a crucial resource for understanding the intersection of education and economic growth, and the strategic role of community colleges like IRSC in fostering regional economic development.

Budget Watch: Florida Revenue Estimators Increase Forecast for the Ninth Consecutive Time, Adding $2 Billion to State Coffers

/ Categories: Research, Budget/Approps

Florida's revenue forecast has been updated, adding $2 billion more to the state's budget for the next two years. This is the ninth consecutive increase, driven by strong investment earnings, sales taxes, and corporate income taxes. Despite earlier predictions of slowed growth, revenues continue to exceed expectations, but there are potential risks on the horizon.


Briefing: Are Floridians Ready to Go Back to School? Not Without More Teachers…

2024 Update

/ Categories: Research, Education

Florida faces a critical teacher shortage, ranking 50th in teacher pay nationwide. Our briefing reveals alarming trends: 10% of courses lack properly certified teachers, and teacher pay has dropped 15.7% in real terms over the past decade. With Florida needing 9.7% more teachers by 2031, the state's educational future hangs in the balance. Our comprehensive report explores the root causes of this crisis, from inadequate compensation to mounting stress, and examines recent policy actions. More importantly, it offers concrete solutions to attract and retain quality educators.

The Taxpayer's Guide to Florida's FY2024-25 State Budget

/ Categories: Research, Budget/Approps, Taxpayer Guide

Florida TaxWatch is pleased to present taxpayers with a guide to the FY2024-25 state budget, which went into effect July 1, 2024. The 2024 Legislature appropriated a total of $118.6 billion for FY2024-25. This Budget Guide includes all appropriations for the new fiscal year— the General Appropriations Act (GAA), “back-of-the-bill” spending, and appropriations made in general bills—net of the Governor’s vetoes.

Briefing: Florida's Property Insurance Market

/ Categories: Research, Hurricane Ian, Insurance

Explore the latest insights from Florida TaxWatch's "Property Insurance Briefing" as it delves into the complexities of Florida's property insurance market amidst the 2024 hurricane season. This report examines the instability caused by soaring premiums, driven by litigation and hurricane damages, and discusses the role of Citizens Property Insurance as a critical safety net for over a million Floridians. Highlighting legislative efforts to stabilize the market and initiatives like home hardening to reduce costs, this briefing is essential for anyone affected by or interested in Florida's property insurance challenges. Download the full report for a comprehensive analysis and actionable solutions.

Monitoring and Oversight of General Obligation Bonds to Improve Broward County Schools

Q3 (2023-2024)

/ Categories: Research, Broward BOC

The Q3 2024 Broward Bond Oversight report highlights significant progress in the SMART Program, with major advancements in technology, safety, and athletics in Broward County schools. All planned technology upgrades and safety projects are complete, improving the student-to-computer ratio and securing campuses. Despite these successes, challenges in renovations persist, with 29 projects likely to miss the October 2025 completion deadline. Leadership transitions and budget adjustments add further complexity. Florida TaxWatch plays a vital role in ensuring transparency and the efficient use of funds, continuing to oversee the program and provide recommendations to address ongoing challenges.