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Budget Watch - Governor's FY2016-17 Recommended Budget

Governor Rick Scott’s budget recommendations for FY2016-17 total $79.252 billion—an increase of 1.1 percent ($855.1 million) over current year spending. General Revenue (GR) spending of $29.260 billion would be an increase of 1.4 percent over the current year. The budget proposes to fund 112,823 state employee positions, 864 fewer than currently exist. The proposed budget is also $300 million less than was requested by state agencies this fall, and funds 2,044 fewer positions than requested.

The Governor claims his budget contains $448.8 million ($135.6 million from GR) in savings from reduced positions and agency efficiencies. The Governor’s proposed budget will serve as the framework for the state’s new spending plan as the Legislature formulates the state General Appropriations Act this session.

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