The TaxWatch Research Blog

The TaxWatch Research Blog is a forum where our research staff can address topics and issues in a short format. Keep an eye on this space during Legislative Session for frequent posts making sense of the activity at the Capitol. 

Despite Positive Job Growth In Recent Months, People Are Quitting Jobs At Record Rates

/ Categories: Research, COVID Recovery, Blog

Often overlooked in favor of more eye-catching employment headlines such as unemployment rates and job creation numbers, job quitting rates are an indispensable part of understanding the overall economic recovery. Newly released national data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reveal the number of people quitting their jobs in November 2021 hit a record high of 4.5 million—far above any other level on record since data first started being recorded. Since the summer of 2021, a collective 21.3 million individuals have quit their jobs across the nation.

Debate in Public Schools

A Florida TaxWatch Commentary by Bob Nave (Vice President of Research)

/ Categories: Research, Education, Blog

 How can scholastic debate and the business community work together to drive Florida's students forward? One option is to look at existing programs, like the Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) Debate Initiative, which now boasts approximately 15,000 students in every high school and learning center, every middle school, and in more than 100 elementary schools. The Initiative is a partnership between BCPS and local businesses, whose sponsorships and donations are critical in supporting debate opportunities for BCPS students.

The 2021 B-T-S Sales Tax Holiday is here

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Folks, the school year is right upon us. We are all about to get back into bus stop routines, bus stop traffic, haircuts, new shoes, and the ubiquitous school supplies. Luckily, thanks to a now-routine annual ritual, next week starts 10 days of many of those things being exempt from sales taxes. 

Did Florida Undercount in the 2020 Census, Potentially Missing Out on Federal Dollars?

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The 2020 Census is finally over, capping off a historic effort to accurately count every person in the United States during a pandemic. A few interesting stories emerge from the latest enumeration of the nation, such as the growing population shift to the South and New York losing a congressional House seat by only 89 people. Although Florida was one of the so-called “winners” in the current census because it secured an additional seat in Congress, the result was not as spectacular as expected.

What is Inflation and How Does it Affect Taxpayers?

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To many people, the word “inflation” conjures up distant memories to some obscure high school economics class rather than offer some deep insight into the inter-workings of the economy. The topic appears mysterious in nature (understandably so), known by few outside of economics circles. Read more.

What is a K-Shaped Recovery and Why It Matters

/ Categories: COVID Recovery, Blog

As the federal government continues to negotiate another round of fiscal stimulus, chances are you have heard the term “K-shaped recovery” thrown around. The issue became a common talking point during last year’s presidential election as some candidates discussed their plans to heal the economy. But what exactly is a K-shaped recovery and what does it have to do with the economy?

Time Delays and Lack of Guidance Complicating Local CARES Act Relief

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When the history of the COVID-19 pandemic is ultimately written, there will likely be a chapter addressing how the impact of a well-intentioned federal relief package called the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) was somewhat hobbled by its roll-out and the ultimate disbursement of public assistance.

Estimate of Florida Transportation Revenues Reduced by $1.5 Billion over the Five-Year DOT Program

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The COVID-19 pandemic is taking its toll on state transportation funding.  The new forecast from the Transportation Revenue Estimating Conference, predicts the state will collect nearly $1.5 billion less than expected in state transportation revenues through FY2025-26.  This is a reduction of 5.7 percent.  These funds are deposited into the State Transportation Trust Fund (STTF) to pay for the DOT work program.

AHCA Warns Medicaid Costs Could Soar Due to COVID-19

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Florida’s Medicaid program is projecting a significant shortfall (approximately $1 billion) in the 2020-2021 budget due to the ballooning Medicaid enrollment (largely due to the impacts of COVID-19). As more and more Floridians lose their jobs and their health coverage due to the economic downturn, many turn to Medicaid as their form of healthcare Florida’s Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) forecasts that there will be an additional 437,390 Floridians turning to Medicaid for their health care in the coming new fiscal year, which starts July 1. The increase in enrollment could potentially increase the overall cost in the coming year by as much as $3 billion; however, the state is not on the hook to cover the full $3 billion due to the federal-state partnership for Medicaid financing, formally known as the Federal Medicaid Assistance Percentage (FMAP). Florida is expected to pay about $1.07 billion of the $3 billion, based on AHCA’S analysis.

The Importance of the Clean Waterways Act

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In the 2020 legislative session, SB 712 (The Clean Waterways Act) was passed outlining protection to much of Florida’s vast water resources, including implementing Florida TaxWatch recommendations for the Blue-Green Algae Task Force. Water is Florida’s most valuable resource, providing many environmental, economic, and recreational benefits the public. With more than 7,700 lakes, 10,550 miles of rivers, more than 1,000 springs, and 2,276 miles of tidal shoreline, it is a staple of Florida’s identity and one of the key reasons so many people visit the Sunshine State.  The Clean Waterways Act addresses several environmental issues, including several provisions focused on water quality improvement and oversight.

Sales Tax Holiday

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The 2020 Florida Legislature enacted two more sales tax holidays, a three-day “back-to-school” and a seven-day disaster preparedness tax holiday.  Although the pending threat from the COVID-19 virus lead to the Legislature eliminating nearly all the tax cuts they were considering, the popularity of sales tax holidays was affirmed once again. From May 29-June 4, items to help Floridians prepare for hurricane season, such as flashlights, portable two-way or weatherband radios, waterproof sheeting, generators, and tie-down kits will be exempt from sales sax.  This will save Floridians an estimated $5.6 million.

VISIT FLORIDA Extended When we Need it Most

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In the most recent legislative session VISIT FLORIDA’s future was uncertain. SB 362 extended its life for three more years and set its funding at $50 million. The extension that VISIT FLORIDA received is vital to Florida’s tourism industry and comes when we need it most due to the COVID-19 impacts on the state’s economy. Other states that have reduced or eliminated their tourism marketing efforts have experienced immediate and long-term negative economic impacts. Florida TaxWatch research has shown that continuous, targeted investment into Florida’s tourism industry is critical to our state’s success.

Expanding The Practice Authority for Florida’s Nurse Practitioners

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By 2030, Florida is expected to need an additional 4,671 primary care physicians. This shortage ultimately will result in limited access to care (especially in rural areas), higher healthcare costs, and reducing the quality of life for all. Floridians will start to experience the effects in the foreseeable future if a solution is not implemented. A proven cost-effective solution is to remove overly restrictive statutory barriers and allow nurse practitioners to practice to the full extent of their education and training.

People are Fleeing High-Tax States for Florida and Bringing High Incomes with Them

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Florida has a history of trying to woo people and businesses to move to the Sunshine State, and it appears to be working.  In addition to its many other selling points, Florida has also had the reputation of being a low-tax state. Recent federal tax law changes have made our state even more attractive from a tax standpoint to many Americans. 

SGIP Review Saves Taxpayers Millions

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With an audit nearing completion, state DMS reported today that 1,825 ineligible dependents have been dropped from the SGIP, saving close to $9.5 million.