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Q1 2020-21 Broward Schools SMART Program Report Review


On November 20, 2020, Florida TaxWatch received the Bond Oversight Committee Quarterly Report for

the Quarter Ended September 30, 2020 (“Quarterly Report”). This single 854-page report provides updated

information on the implementation of the District’s SMART Program and the use of general obligation

bond funds to purchase and install technology upgrades, purchase music, and art equipment, improve

safety, upgrade athletic facilities and renovate educational facilities.

The Quarterly Report consists of an Introduction and the following eight sections:

• Section 1 ---Technology School Board Broward County (SBBC) Schools;

• Section 2 --- Technology Charter Schools;

• Section 3 --- Music & Art Equipment;

• Section 4 --- Athletics;

• Section 5 --- Facilities;

• Section 6 --- Budget Activity;

• Section 7 --- Supplier Diversity Outreach Program; and

• Section 8 --- Communications.

To encourage greater accountability, transparency, public support and confidence in the use of the

general obligation bond funds, and to hold the district accountable for spending decisions, Florida

TaxWatch has reviewed this report against the most recent SMART Program schedule and budget and is

pleased to present the following report and recommendations.

Documents to download

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