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Government Efficiency Task Force Recommends Changes To Save Taxpayers Money As 2016 Legislative Session Begins

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - At its January 8th meeting, the Government Efficiency Task Force (GETF) approved its interim recommendation report in advance of the 2016 Legislative Session. The interim report includes recommendations that would generate substantial taxpayer savings and improve government efficiency.

Some of the recommendations include enacting an annual Florida Government Efficiency Act, continued implementation of a new state accounting and cash management system, utilizing available telehealth strategies, and smarter sentencing for low-level non-violent offenders. These recommendations will improve government operations and give taxpayers greater comfort that their hard-earned tax dollars are being spent wisely by their state government.

“Taxpayers deserve a government that works efficiently and effectively. The Legislature could make a significant achievement if they follow the Government Efficiency Task Force recommendations in making our state government work more efficiently for the taxpayers,” said Florida TaxWatch President and CEO, appointed member of GETF and chairman of the GETF Government Efficiency Committee Dominic M. Calabro. “The savings realized by implementing these recommendations could be reinvested in our children’s education, our infrastructure, tax cuts, economic development and other areas to improve our state’s economy.”

The GETF was created through a Constitutional amendment in 2006 for the purpose of developing recommendations to improve governmental operations and reduce costs. First established in 2007, the Task Force is required to meet every four years and submit its recommendations to the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Legislative Budget Commission, the Governor, and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The Task Force is composed of 15 members of the Legislature and representatives from the private and public sectors who are appointed by the Governor, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate.

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