Florida Voters Continue Their Generosity, Approving $1.9 Billion in Local Tax Increases and Almost $1.0 Billion in Bond Issues

2024 Florida Tax & Bond Referenda

/ Categories: Research, Budget/Approps, Economic Development, Local Government

Florida voters demonstrated strong support for local tax increases and bond issues in the 2023-2024 election cycle, approving 89% of referenda. Voters passed $1.9 billion in annual tax increases and nearly $1 billion in bond issues, primarily targeting schools, infrastructure, and public services. The report highlights Florida's unique reliance on local government funding, with municipalities and special districts providing over 56% of the state's revenue. Despite statewide tax cuts, local taxes are rising with voter approval, reflecting public willingness to invest in community development when they perceive clear value and benefit.

“If You Build It, He Will Come”: Florida TaxWatch Looks At The Tampa Bay Rays’ Ballpark Proposal

/ Categories: Research, Local Government

This report analyzes the key aspects of the deal and identifies critical questions that local officials should consider before deciding whether the proposed ballpark is in the best interest of taxpayers.

The report does not draw conclusions on the merits of the deal but instead focuses on outlining the important factors that need to be weighed, such as the total public costs, the best use of public funds, and the fairness of the cost-sharing agreement. While the project is expected to generate significant economic impacts over 30 years, research shows that the benefits of publicly subsidized sports facilities are often overstated.

To learn more about this critical issue affecting the Tampa Bay region, download the full report for an in-depth, independent analysis.

Using Public-Private Partnerships and Public-Public Partnerships to Meet the Growing Demands for Public Infrastructure

The gap between Florida’s infrastructure needs and what Florida currently has is nearly $2.59 trillion over ten years. By year 2039, a continued underinvestment in Florida’s infrastructure at current rates will have serious economic consequences — $10 trillion in lost Gross Domestic Product (GDP), more than 3 million lost jobs, and $2.4 trillion in lost exports. Two creative solutions are public-private partnerships (PPPs) and public-public partnerships (PUPs). Why then, are there not more PPPs and PUPs? 

The Economic and Fiscal Significance of the U.S. Census and American Community Survey

/ Categories: Research, Census, Economic Development, Local Government

The once-in-a-lifetime pandemic disrupted the 2020 Census— the 24th in U.S. history—delaying field operations and hampering the public’s ability to respond. This report underscores the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on 2020 Census data collection efforts, including disruptions to the ACS, and highlights how this impacts federal funding and critical decision-making among policymakers and business leaders alike.

2022 Taxpayer Independence Day

/ Categories: Research, Taxes, Local Government

On Thursday, April 14, Florida TaxWatch joins the taxpayers in our state in celebrating Florida Taxpayer Independence Day 2022. On that day, Floridians are finally earning money for themselves–not for the tax collector. This symbolic date assumes that every dollar earned since January 1 goes to pay federal, state, and local tax obligations. This measure of tax burden is based on the relative size of all taxes paid in Florida to our state’s total personal income. In 2022, for the average Florida household, paying its taxes takes 103 out of 365 days, nearly three and a half months.
